Milton Eagles PTO Community Partners Overview
Thank you for your interest in partnering with the Milton Eagles Parent Teacher Organization for the 2024/2025 academic year! Your support helps us achieve our goal of enriching the learning and working environment at Milton High School. We look forward to building a mutually beneficial partnership that strengthens our bond with the community!
Eagle Partner $1000.00 
- Logo & link on Milton HS & PTO Websites
- Logo displayed on weekly Eagle Update school newsletter
- Advertise on Milton HS & PTO Social Media three times per semester
- Partner Board Recognition in Front Office
- Eagle Update Partner Feature twice per year
- Logo on Electronic Marquee on front lawn
Gold Partner $500
- Logo & link on Milton HS & PTO Websites
- Logo displayed on weekly Eagle Update school newsletter
- Advertise on Milton HS & PTO Social Media twice per semester
- Partner Board Recognition in Front Office
- Eagle Update Partner Feature once per year
Silver Partner $250
- Logo & link on Milton HS & PTO Websites
- Logo displayed on weekly Eagle Update school newsletter
- Advertise on Milton HS & PTO Social Media once per semester
- Partner Board Recognition in Front Office