2024-2025 Milton Eagles PTO Partners Agreement


Thank you for your interest in becoming an Eagle Community Partner for the 2024/2025 academic year! Your support helps us achieve our goal of enriching the learning and working environment at Milton High School. We look forward to building a mutually beneficial partnership that strengthens our bond with the community!


  • Logo on Electronic Marquee on front lawn 
  • Logo & link on Milton HS & PTO Websites
  • Logo displayed on weekly Eagle Update school newsletter 
  • Eagle Update Partner Feature twice per year
  • Advertise on Milton HS & PTO Social Media three times per semester
  • Partner Board Recognition in Front Office
  • Logo & link on Milton HS & PTO Websites
  • Logo displayed on weekly Eagle Update school newsletter
  • Eagle Update Partner Feature once per year
  • Advertise on Milton HS & PTO Social Media twice per semester
  • Partner Board Recognition in Front Office 
  • Logo & link on Milton HS & PTO Websites
  • Logo displayed on weekly Eagle Update school newsletter
  • Advertise on Milton HS & PTO Social Media once per semester
  • Partner Board Recognition in Front Office  

Community Partner Information



Select Your Partnership
 Eagle Sponsor more
 Gold Sponsor more
 Silver Sponsor more
Image for First Post
Additional Images for Eagle & Gold Posts

Additional Images for Eagle Posts

If you have any questions, please reach out to our Community Partners  representative, Georgia Hine.


After submitting this form, you will receive a confirmation email.  If you do not receive the confirmation email, please check your bulk / spam folders.  If you still do not see it, please reach out to mailto: miltoneaglesptomtk@gmail.com