2024-2025 Milton Eagles PTO Partners Agreement


Thank you for your interest in becoming an Eagle Community Partner for the 2024/2025 academic year! Your support helps us achieve our goal of enriching the learning and working environment at Milton High School. We look forward to building a mutually beneficial partnership that strengthens our bond with the community!


  • Logo & link on Milton HS & PTO Websites
  • Logo displayed on weekly Eagle Update school newsletter 
  • Advertise on Milton HS & PTO Social Media three times per semester
  • Partner Board Recognition in Front Office
  • Eagle Update Partner Feature twice per year
  • Logo on Electronic Marquee on front lawn
  • Logo & link on Milton HS & PTO Websites
  • Logo displayed on weekly Eagle Update school newsletter
  • Advertise on Milton HS & PTO Social Media twice per semester
  • Partner Board Recognition in Front Office 
  • Eagle Update Partner Feature once per year
  • Logo & link on Milton HS & PTO Websites
  • Logo displayed on weekly Eagle Update school newsletter
  • Advertise on Milton HS & PTO Social Media once per semester
  • Partner Board Recognition in Front Office  

Community Partner Information



Select Your Partnership
 Eagle Sponsor more
 Gold Sponsor more
 Silver Sponsor more
Image for First Post for All Levels
Image for Second Post for All Levels
Additional Images for Eagle & Gold Posts

Additional Images for Eagle Posts

If you have any questions, please reach out to our Community Partners  representative, Georgia Hine.


After submitting this form, you will receive a confirmation email.  If you do not receive the confirmation email, please check your bulk / spam folders.  If you still do not see it, please reach out to mailto: miltoneaglesptomtk@gmail.com